JH Therapyandcounselling.com

Grief doesn’t hit us in tidy phases and stages, nor is it something that we forget and move on from; it is an individual process that has a momentum of its own, and the work involves finding ways of coping with our fear and pain, and also adjusting to this new version of ourselves, our 'new normal'

Julia Samuel,
When we lose something precious or deeply meaningful such as a relationship, a career, our health, or when someone close to us dies, it can feel as though the ground has opened beneath us. Difficulties in our personal lives can cause such distress that it can be very hard to cope, let alone think clearly.
The world as we knew it seems unrecognisable, and we can feel desperately alone. We may question our place in it and even who we are. There is no ‘normal’ way to react, to loss and no timescale, despite what society may want or expect. All sorts of feelings – grief, confusion, shame, fear, anger, even relief – can overwhelm us. And when a relationship is under strain, we can feel overwhelmed, trapped or rejected.
Talking can help. But who to turn to? Often, those closest to us are dealing with their own problems, or we may be afraid of burdening, embarrassing or even boring them.

Photo credit: David Gill shot2bits@mac.com
Website credit: Dan Roylance danroy2016@gmail.com
My name is Jan Hall, and as a therapist specialising in relationships, and loss and the impact it can have on us, I'm here to listen to and support you.
Together we can explore how to find change, meaning or peace - whatever you’re looking for – in the painful things that happen in life.